I am still grooving on the blog adulting. Recent adult-like achievements:
- telling someone "no, thanks." I know a few folks who do affiliate-sales type stuff. I have nothing against them nor their products, but we just don't have the room/money for any more stuff right now. We're still finding spots for wedding gifts, and we are saving money for our Hawai'i honeymoon in June. It was a big thing for me to send an email back to an acquaintance to thank her for asking us over while also letting her know we weren't interested at the moment.
- Continuing to pack my lunch every night so that it is ready to go in the morning. This gives me a little shot of happiness every single morning.
- Truly engaging with my emotions. Perhaps this feels juvenile, but I think it is good to acknowledge how I am feeling. I know that I'm an external processor, and I feel best when I share my mindframe. I have already been feeling better this week.
- Turning in job applications before the day they're due. I'm not too many days in advance yet, but I am slowly working on getting applications done when I hear about them and not when I have to get my resume in.