Recently, my friend Zandria wrote a lovely post on finding your passion and acting on it. The passion part is not what resonated with me; rather, I found myself drawn to a portion further down the post. Near the end, Zandria discusses the topics she has covered on her blog and the fact that she's not quite sure what her "niche" is as she continues to age. And I feel much the same way.
I have so much to say. Too much, some days. And I do still write. But I'm not always sure what to put here, in this very public forum. Especially since I am now on a career path that is quite public (teaching), I know that my words are seen beyond the people who I mean to see my blog.
This is in no way an indication that I want to quit blogging. I definitely want to keep it up! But I am just not always sure what to say. I've been out of practice this spring, and I am finding it rough to get back into practice. I'll start with some bullet points, I think.
- I earned a 4.0 again this semester. This one took some significant hard work. Physics was challenging because of the topics, and genetics was hard because it was mostly review and therefore somewhat unmotivating to study (for the record, I do like genetics).
- I have been watching old seasons of Grey's Anatomy. That's my favorite currently running TV show.
- We've been planting some seeds in our garden, even though we'll be gone. We will see what happens. We have peas, morning glories, and some herbs in. We also bought a few tomato starts and a number of small annual flowers. Our yard is looking prettier than it has in years. Amazing what a little love will do.
- I bought a bird feeder a few weeks ago. The birds have finally discovered it. The cat sits there for hours, tail twitching, just watching the goldfinches.
This is feeling good. More later, for sure.