A little bit of what I do during the week here . . .
I spend 4 hours a week or more in micro lab, staining bacterial samples and then examining them under the microscope. This is just a small sample of the pretty, pretty colors.
rod bacteria (bacillus)
And a streak plate to isolate the bacteria
I sort fruit flies. This first pic has a mutant versus a wild type fly.
And I sort males from females (female on the left):
I'm also breeding some plants with my lab partners to look at how the parental genes and appearance affect the offspring.
I also teach, spend a lot of time in lecture, and go to physics lab (tho no pictures of that. I need to bring my camera to physics lab, because there are nifty things we do there). And, finally, I spend a lot of time in my office. At least we have nice windows. And how do you like that snow?