Once again, I'm going through boxes at my parents' house in an attempt to pare down my belongings here. I'm thinking I might even get rid of the vast majority of my barbie collection. I look at everything and realize that's not where my heart and mind are right now. On the other hand, following the path towards teaching means I don't know if I'll be able to recycle any more of my school notes. We'll see.
I've found a lot of little notes written to myself on scraps of paper. A few to share:
drink a mug of hot
do it backwards
That is a sunrise
Rob from Ohio read me a poem in response to my "If you love me, read me a story" shirt!!!
from a sheet of paper I received at a youth ministry drama workshop
When facilitating a group using creative expression (writing, dancing, theater, etc) . . .
* Build a trusting and respecting space (people must not make fun of other's ideas because this silences people and an important idea may be lost).
*Create en environment of fun and silliness -- this helps to break the tension and awkwardness. If everyone is being silly then the walls come down.
* Takes time and energy (DON'T GIVE UP)
* Listen to each other and respect each other. (Talk about this being the group's work together and the importance of everyone's contribution.)
* Wait for the special idea to come when creating a play/skit. (The talk circle works great for this; it allows everyone to have their moment of words.)
* Silence is not bad. Someone will begin to talk. Don't fill the space with words, as this may lead people to believe there is one leader of the group, which is not true. Everyone who is in the group has the same amount of power.
* Important to let the ideas come from the group (the whole point!)
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