I hopped on over to the observatory tonight for a little viewing. I'm in Astronomy 101, and the instructor offers a chance at some extra points if one visits the observatory. I don't need the points, but it is still nice to treat myself to some beautiful sights. After I finished my evening physics test, I walked over and enjoyed the brisk air.
The moon is a waxing gibbous, and it is almost full. It will be full on Saturday. It looks even better than this photo shows; I'm not sure pictures can do the moon justice.
I also saw the Andromeda Galaxy, several binary stars, and a few start clusters. I can also reliably find several constellations now; I'm almost down with my 101 things goal of being able to identify 5. I've got Cassiopeia, Lyra, Cygnus, and Draco in the bag. I do know a few others, of course (namely, the dippers), but I knew those before my list and as such are not counting them. One of these days here soon, I will learn one more constellation and be able to cross that goal off.
If you can, take some time to stare at the moon this week. And, tell me,
what is your favorite constellation?
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