And that means that I have been blogging for five years now, since I am a charter member of typepad. Interesting to see this service and my own development over the past five years.
This reminds me of something a professor once said. A student of his once wanted to play piano but lamented that she was too old to start learning. He said something to the effect of "well, if you start playing now, you will have played for 5 years by the time you're 25. And that's pretty good."
Likewise, I've been blogging for 5 years, and I am now 26 (my birthday was last Monday!). It seems both strange and awesome to me. I love the long list of memories I've recorded on my blog, and it's always fun to look back through my archives and remember little tidbits I'd forgotten.
So, here's to 5 years of typepad and hopefully many more!