A new month, and a new set of goals to cross off the list. It was a fairly productive month, and I was pretty close to finishing even more goals. I'm trying to get a lot done before I move, as I have a feeling that I won't have a lot of time for goals for the first month or so.
1. Run a 5k race
I ran the Dexter-Ann Arbor 5k on 1 June 2008 at 35:05. It was a hill race, and I didn't train on hills, so my hip flexors were sore for several days afterward. Still, quite exciting!
8. Join a yoga class for at least a month
I did a yoga class at my university. The grad school here sponsors all sorts of cool stuff, and they have a 4 week "intro to yoga" series for $20 (including the mat!). I really enjoyed it, and I also learned that I already know quite a number of yoga moves. I'd like to find a book/video/place to do yoga so that I can keep it up, as yoga is great for working out the stiffness from frisbee, running, and my frequent shin splints.
20. Attend a play AND 87. go on a date with someone I met in real life (not on the internet)
On Saturday night, I went on a date with a guy from one of my spring frisbee teams. We went to see Number the Stars (based on the book) at Michigan State's summer circle theatre. My date took me all around East Lansing and showed me some awesome stuff like the 4-H Children's Garden. We snagged gyros for dinner, watched the play, and then tossed the disc around until the sun went down. The play was alright (Holocaust plays are difficult to do), and I found it really humorous that they cast a black man as a Nazi.
22. Print and frame at least one of my own photographs
62. Teach someone how to kayak
when I made this goal, I had no idea that I'd spend the summer teaching kids how to kayak and canoe for my job. In any case, goal accomplished!
76. Visit a friend (that I haven’t visited in that state) who lives in a different state than I do AND 14. Visit 5 of my unvisited lower 48 states 1/5 one
I visited Kentucky this month. I had a wonderful time in Louisville, and the scenery in the rest of the state was wonderful.
Other potential states to visit: Hawaii, Alaska, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas.
1 more in progress for 6 total in progress
7 more completed for 15 total completed