Part of being a field biologist is spending time in the field. Lots and lots of time out in the woods/wetlands/grasslands/etc and away from cities. This is wonderful, and I knew it when I decided to pursue my PhD in EEB (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology).
This weekend, I'm headed up to the University of Michigan Biological Station for a department retreat. It should be fun; they've got hiking planned along with plenty of good hanging out with the department. I'll be away from my house, but at least this weekend should be fairly relaxing.
For the next six weeks after that, I'll be taking an intense field course at the ES George Reserve. This is the location of my future field work, so it's good that I'll be getting a handle on the site. However, I expect to be insanely busy, since I'll be doing something school related on all 7 days of the week with no days off. If I don't post much, blame it on the field work. That class will be done by the end of October, so the month of November shouldn't be too bad for me.
This school thing is good. Busy, and a definite adjustment . . . but ultimately good.