I'm very much of the opinion that there is more than one way to look at God. For some people, that even includes refusing to look at (believe in, invoke, etc) God. I believe the bible is a good teaching tool but should not be taken literally; rather, it is a great starting place for discussion, self-examination, and thought. I also firmly believe that churches should crusade for social justice in the world. Perhaps all of these thoughts are how I scored as an Emergent/Postmodern on the theological world view (see below after the cut). Also, maybe it's just because I thoroughly dislike altar calls. I feel like they're mainly a vehicle for showing off how amazingly righteous you are to others through your ability to speak about God and Jesus in jingoistic terms; I'd much rather see someone's faith through their actions than hear about it through their words.
You scored as Emergent/Postmodern. You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.
What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com |