Here's some websites I'm currently enjoying (or at least reading):
Women In Cell Bio article about teaching at a liberal arts college. Career prep, as it were.
BBC news' excellent list of science books '06 Aventis prize. I'd like to read some of these, but I've got a bunch of stuff out from the library at the moment, so it might take awhile. Plus, I don't know how many books I can read before leaving for NZ in less than a month. I might have to actually buy a book or two to take with me.
PBS Kids Zoom Science activities, because I need some fresh ideas for babysitting.
The NY times article on in-utero competition between mother and child, which seems to indicate that conception is one big battle for resources. Evolutionarily, very interesting implications. Seems like moms might be justified in thinking of their kids as greedy little piglets during the first few months of life. There's also a good followup with more examples on the blog of the author of the NYTimes piece.
I recently discovered that going to the webpage for one's city can often yield tourist information, and (yippee!) coupons for events. In Seattle, the ones I found seem to just be a dollar or two off, but that's better than nothing. I've been wanting to revist the aqarium (I went in January), so maybe the dollar off will be a little incentive.
Last, but not least, I've been learning about why I really NEED a Roth IRA. I knew I did, so this article is mostly reinforcement, but it also has a valuable section at the end about *where* to get a Roth IRA. I'm going to take a look at my finances and see if I can justify 1k to jump into this whole Roth IRA business. It'd be nice to start saving for retirement now, since I'm sure I won't have a 401(k) for awhile.