Our internet has been wonky all day, and I finally just reconfigured the router and set everything all back up again. I didn't really have to do the whole process, but I made a mistake early on and magnified the pain.
I had a job interview today with a temp agency. I screwed up the ten key test, but I did wonderfully in all the other tests. I had to take:
- a grammar test (pick the correct word to fill in the blank)
- a spelling test (pick the one correct spelling out of 4 possibilities)
- math test (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and long division without a calculator)
- MS Word skills test (mail merge, insert symbols, make tables, etc etc. I didn't even know all this stuff was possible)
- MS Excel Test (similar to the word test -- again, did I know all this was possible?)
- typing test
- ten key test
Turns out that I type 89 wpm. I did really well on all my tests except ten key (again, because of a misunderstanding and error on my part, and not because of actual lack of ten key skills).
Apparently, this temping agency doesn't expect people to have been through college. I learned many of these skills in high school, I suppose, but I don't know if the average student would. I certainly was not very comfortable with excel before college, and I even took a "occupational education" class to practice computer skills. Honestly, I think many college grads would have had a hard time doing some of the things I did today. Really makes me think that high school or junior high should be pressing basic skills in office work, computer programs, and general life skills.
If I'm honest with myself, I really don't want a job. The money sounds nice, but I mostly just want something to get me motivated. I've been having a hard time staying on track these last few months. If I could stay motivated, I have a feeling that my room would be all hunky dory by now. But, alas, I haven't found that magic key to waking up on time (I set my alarm, but I know I'm not required to be anywhere) and being productive. I've got no timeline, so tomorrow is always another day.
In final news, I've got enough for my computer (1.5 k). Macworld was disappointing. Now, should I buy a 14 inch ibook or find some other way to do video editing and go with the 12 inch ibook? Or should I ignore my love of wifi and go with the 12 inch powerbook? I'm leaning toward a 14 inch ibook, but I have a lot more research to do.