I just had the weirdest dream. Maybe it is finally time for me to go see RTOK (Return of the King -- haven't mad it to the theater yet).
I just dreamed that I was a male hobbit in a Lord of the Rings thingy. Actually, I was only a hobbit for part of it. For another part of the dream, I was a female adventurer or something. I managed to injure some bad guy (btw, this has nothing to do with the plotline of any of the books) by striking him in the eye. I didn't kill him, but he was hella pissed at me. So, I ran into him again, and we were under a sheer cliff with him on top. The cliff was only twelve feet or something. There was a little hunting knife stuck in the cliff, so I climbed up and grabbed it. All along, he was taunting me that I couldn't harm him again. Then, I just flicked the knife upward, and it hit him in the exact same spot. He started spurting blood, got a shocked look, and keeled over.
After that, Aragorn, Legolas, and some other random tall guys rushed up to unload a bunch of arrows into him. All of a sudden, instead of being outside, I was inside. Same tall guys, but this time I was a male hobbit with a short female in a fancy dress next to me (not sure if she has a hobbit too or not). They were still going to unload arrows into the same bad guy, despite being maybe three feet away from him. I was holding onto my girl, who kept tickling my leg, and I was trying to wrap the curtain around her so she wouldn't get blood on her.
Then, the alarm rang. Let's hear it for the weirdest dream I have had in a long time. I think I need to get more sleep.